Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Not even amusing

It's 11:33 at night and dad is now up for the day. He went to Bed at a reasonable hour, around 9:00 - 9:30, but I get a knock on my door from my daughter ... papa's up. He's downstairs in the kitchen fully dressed eating a sandwich like he does every morning; the only problem is its not morning, it's fucking midnight. As the the "brochures" say they start to lose the ability to distinguish between night and day. (of course when I say brochures it's not in the literal term). Fuck, now I am awake and I have to work in the morning ... this weekend I'm getting a GD baby gate block his ability to climb stairs, I am going to double key deadbolt the front and garage door, so if and when he does get up he can wander around the frickin downstairs all he wants without disturbing the normal people.

Today was the toppers. Now get this, the man is over 81 years old. One of his obsessions is the trash cans (the others are door locks and light switches) but I digress. He is on the side of the house where the trash barrels are. I know this because I can hear the iron gates when they are opened and closed. I hear the neighbors dog barking, which he never does, and I think, what the hell is that man doing to the neighbors dog. When this goes on for three four minutes I stop working and go investigate. The front door is a jar when I get to the bottom of the stairs so I head out to the side yard to see whats going on. Dad is no longer on the side of the house where the trash cans are. I walk around and look in my neighbors yard to see why the dog is barking and my crazy pops in standing (or walking) around in the neighbors back yard. I try the gate but the gate is pad locked. I call him over to ask him what the hell he is doing but of course he gives me some insane response. So I head to the front door of the neighbors and ring the bell. The wife that lives there works at night so she is home sleeping (I'm sure she was thrilled to be awaken but such issues). She gets a key and opens the gate. Now I have heard of going over to the neighbors house to get your cat or dog which have have jumped the fence or squeezed though the bars but never a FUCKING CRAZY POP. His arm is bleeding from the journey over the wall I guess so I take him home and bandage him up. Not losing the opportunity to explain to him what a fucking crazy thing that was. After I get him settled I go look at the side of the house where our trash barrels are and they are all moved around. Right then I could tell what he did. He took a five gallon bucket turned in over and use it as a step to get ON TOP of the trash bin (the large city type used for trash, recycling and greenwaste) and jump down into the neighbors yard. Now recall this old fuck is 81 and my neighbors house is on a lower grade then mine. It's at least a 7 ft drop in the ground. FUCK! He cant start at the adult day care fast enough.