Thursday, April 2, 2009

Judge Jury and Lawyer

Monday dad was an attorney; or was he the Judge? Actually I think he was the Judge the jury and the lawyer. He had the whole trial goin' on in the kitchen while I was trying to make dinner. I don't know how he got on this one; actually I don't know how he gets on any of these rants but that's part of the mystery isn't it?

I worked from home on Monday as usual. While my housekeeper was busy cleaning up the mess we always make (thanks Tammy) dad is left to his own delusions. He wanders around the house, looking outside, occasionally going outside to have a look around the perimeter but mostly stays indoors just walking from room to room; checking doors, light switches, the kitchen cabinets and the refrigerator. Tammy has the house down to a science now, she can have this place in tip top shape by a little after noon. At that time dads downstairs by himself and typically nods off in a chair.

I think that is where most of his delusions start. His brain is running around dreaming up things and what ever he dreams of is his new reality. He can't distinguish between what is real and what was a dream. I've seen him do it in the car on long drives. It reminds me of a sleeping dog that is dreaming about chasing butterfly's or something. I've seen dad turning his head and moving his hands and legs as if he reacting something. Its all pretty interesting and disturbing all at the same time. By the time he opens his eyes there's no difference between his recent dream state and his now conscience state in his mind. Regardless of how they start they are there most predominately by the late afternoon, especially if he's left alone most of the day. Which is typically the case on Mondays.

I think his new living situation will help him with this. He'll have people to talk too all the time. Whether that be another resident or a staff worker. Funny story, the director shared with me the other day, the home where Pops is going and has been going to daycare has a dinning area, it looks much like a small cafe with a serving area for the staff to serve up the meals and several tables where the residents sit. While the setting is not assigned the residents always sit in the same place every day. The Director told me the table where dad sits is the most active table where the residents are the most vocal. She tell me they carry on conversations with each other all meal long. Each has a different conversation but they are reacting to each other and either laughing if they thought something was funny or reacting in surprise if they think something is shocking. Really pretty damn funny if you think about it. Six seniors all sharing a meal together all in conversation about different subjects. Reminds me of our day yesterday at his brothers house. We would be talking about something, one of our cousins families or work or something then dad would chime in about something completely unrelated. We would all just smile and say "yup, you go that right".

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