Friday, July 25, 2008

Let's try that again

I was wrong. It got totally out of control today. Instead of engaging him I walked away form the craziness. As a result he started tossing around lamps and furniture and ended up in a physical confrontation with me. We smacked head and he kicked me in the shin.

As usual though cooler minds eventually prevailed and we got back to some semblance of normalcy. This is a learning thing; I find it best to just say things to ease his mind. It doesn't matter what I say or promise because he'll forget about it within a very short period. So in the future if he wants out I will tell him to try and relax and I will take him out after dinner or tomorrow and in an hour or whatever as long as his mind is eased.

What will tomorrow bring.

Kidnapped ... again

We're back to being kidnapped. "I've done my duty and I want out, I want to go back to California and see my family, my mother and father".

I just walked away, there's no sense trying to reason with him. Just don't antagonize (if you knew me you know how hard that it). I went upstairs to work. I will just let him be in his own little crazy world for now. He'll get hungry before too long; he's always hungry.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Another beautiful day in Hell

Another day in hell. I heard banging around downstairs at 3:00am, the old man it up turning on and off lights and shining his flashlight around. I say screw it and go back to bed, its too early for the craziness.

As usual the morning starts OK a cup 'o joe and a bagel for breakfast. Today is a planned visit from his brother Lyle. Since Dad has taken a shower in so long I tell him, now is the time to shower. He stops and sighs and as he always does when the subject of a shower comes up says, "I want out". Not like I want out of the house but more like I don't want to live with you anymore. I don't quite now what it is with showers that is so disagreeable to him but they sure turn him upside down. I tell him his brother is coming to visit and he needs to take a shower. After some thought he agrees and takes a shower! Yea! No old man smell for at least a little while.

I continue to work and get ready for my day as I wont be there for the big visit. Day seems a nervous (as usual) and tries to think of a problem. Dad always thinks there is a problem. Two people have a conversation ... Dad (whats the problem) ... I clean the kitchen ... Dad (whats the problem. I breathe in and out ... dad (whats the problem). Nothing the fucking problem except your head god damn it! Opps was that my inside voice?

Dads walking around the house opening doors and saying Lyle are up there? Of course Lyle's not there he's not due far another few hours. But why should that matter when it comes to sanity. I head off to work and dad freaks ... you can stay here? Can't you skip out and stay? No dad you remember what work is like. This coming from a man you bragged for decades about what a work-a-holic he was I've worked for 10 15 20 years and never took a day off blah blah blah. I'm outta here!

The day ends early as I have office work to do and I get back around 1:15. I thought I might catch my aunt and uncle coming back from lunch with dad but no such luck. Dad is standing out front waving at passing car (for god knows what reason). He says some to the affect of the people were just here and I play stupid and just as a test ask, "who was here day?"; oh some people whose kids I used to go to school with back in Colorado Springs. There was a lady here I think her name was Shirley Judy. Side note, I think Shirley June is some woman dad use to bang back in the school days. I decide to drop the bomb, "Dad wasn't Lyle and Helen that were here?"; well I think Lyle was in and out but ... I don't know who it was.

The rest of the day went on much like that. Questions about his glasses, money clip, where his mother was, if I was his dad, and on and on.

Cant wait for tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Saturday Sunday and Monday were crazy days.

Saturday Pops was the Chief of the "Western Region tribe" what ever that is. He was surrounded by his "Warriors" and as usual sat in a desk chair talking to him about their enemies and that when General Grant and the President of the United States rode by they are not to raise their rifles, not a shot to be fired, "wouldn't that be wonderful".

Sunday he awoke in the same chair wanting to go back to California (we are in CA) and get back to his family, wife and kids. He cursed me for kidnapping him and couldn't believe I was holding him as a prisoner.

Monday I excepted a transfer to a new general contracting company (note to self, dad is 81 and has been retired for 20 years). He didn't know how me got into this mess.

I can't wait to see what today holds for us.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Dads reminiscing and I am listening in. He's talking about some woman he was in love with in Colorado name Garlyn Barnett. He was pretty much pouring his heart out over his lost love. Its hard to know whats real what not but I think at least some of what he was talking about happened. He told me he was going to ask for a week off one day; didn't say way but I got the feeling it was so he could go back to Colorado and look for her. He backed off and said Donna wouldn't approve.

Pops is seeing Sharks in the pool! "we're going to have shark steaks tonight!" He turns about and head to the bathroom to talk to his old friend and exclaims ... I wonder what ol' hairy balls is doing?!?