Monday, February 9, 2009

Mustard Mustashe

I catch the old man drinking out of the orange juice carton. Come on man! When you caught me doing that when I was a kid you cut me balls off! He's been quite off today. Not quite sure who the hell I am. Am I Mike? Am I Sir? Anything but Jeff. When I tell him my name he asks if I know "his Jeff" little Jeff, his son. Criminy.

I'm working home today so I make sure to go downstairs just to be sure he's not doing anything "unusual". You know unusual for him leaves a lot of headroom. The latest trip downstairs finds him in his usual position; in front of the open refrigerator. Wholly crap! this time its not the Orange Juice container pursed lips but the open mustard jar. What the hell are you doin' man?!? SORRY! he exclaims puts the lid back on and closes the refrigerator. There's my crazy pops standing there with a Mustard Mustache.

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