Tuesday, February 17, 2009

You killed my husband? oh shit!

After a particularly bad weekend why would I be surprised. Maybe because yesterday wasn't all that bad and I was able to take a breath. Regardless today off to a grand one. Its Tuesday and he's back at the daycare which give me a needed break. I was surprised he wasn't up yet this morning when I went downstairs at 7:30 this morning. I actually had to wake him up at 8:00 to get things going. His first comment to me when I woke him up was "oh, what a night". I didn't question it, I just had to get him going and get myself together to get out to door as soon as possible. I made the mistake of asking him on the drive to the facility, "so you had a bad night ... what happened". I killed a man last night. Like an idiot instead of saying "oh, that's nice". I said who did you kill? ... "Your husband" he says. Ahhhh dad, I'm a guy and I'm not gay. He says, "I know what you are". Normally I would have jump all over this statement but I decided not to feed into his current mind set. I did say. "so how did you kill him?". He responded, "the usual way". The usual way? The usual way? there is a usual way of killing a man? I asked, "so whats the usual way dad?" He said, "I spit at him and I didn't know there was a bullet at the end of my spit".

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